We never learn : Bokuben

This shonen anime is about Nariyuki Yuiga who striving to get into his choice of colleges gets roped into giving grinds for 2 natural geniuses  in their worst subjects . Their dreams don’t seem to match with their natural ability as its uphill battle for the 3 as they work towards their goals.


Fumino is a natural arts and literature genius but dreams to study astronomy but lacks the necessary math needed to get into her college . She plays the older sister character giving advice to the characters throughout the story

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Rizu is the natural math and science genius but her dream is to get into a liberal arts college . She wants to accomplish her goal to help her connect with people which a lot can connect with .

While all the girls develop feelings for the main character its because of different reasons which was great change of pace . Deep down both of them develop love towards Nariyuki because he helps them achieve their goals and listens to them .

Communication is the main source of connecting with someone which a lot of harem shows don’t convey as much as they used to.


Music in the show is a little disappointing and speeds through the manga more touching moments

Remember folks we have a podcast that we run fairly frequently which is here


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